
west cheshire greens

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The Green Party in Cheshire

Here in Cheshire West and Chester we currently have two Councillors, Chris Copeman (Helsby) and John Roach (Whitby Park).  Both are adding a much needed voice to the Council chamber to address critical issues that the older parties are not even discussing.

We’re working progressively on local issues; to improve the lives of all people in Cheshire West and Chester, and to improve our local environment. As part of the Green Party of England & Wales, we share a deep concern for social and environmental justice, expressed through our national policies, we believe fair is worth fighting for.

There has never been a better time to become part of our group as a volunteer.  You don’t need to become a member of the Green Party to take part.  If you are looking for a chance to connect, do something meaningful, make friends, have fun and work towards a better future, then do get in touch. 

Volunteers tend to offer a couple of hours at a time, and there is no obligation to take on more than you would like. Whatever skills you feel you can offer, we would love to hear from you.  

Please get in touch and drop us an email at cwacgreenparty@gmail.com and we will get back to you.

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Action on Climate change: Only Greens have a record of speaking up for action strong enough to tackle the climate change emergency.

Social justice: Greens are passionate about building a country where everyone has a good quality of life.

Our community: Community is at the heart of everything Greens do.

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